A Water Birth in Abu Dhabi.
Krisz’s water birth in Burjeel Hospital, Abu Dhabi - July 2023.
“As a second time mum I had an idea of what to expect from labor and delivery and this time around I knew what I wanted and what I didn’t, but fear still kept me up at night after getting that positive pregnancy test.
So I spoke to many women about their experience with childbirth and did some research and I came to the conclusion that a water birth would be the best way for me to overcome my fear, as I learned that the warm water can help relax muscles and ease pain, creating a calmer atmosphere for both me and the baby, as well as the freedom to move around and get into the most comfortable position for me to deliver my baby can ease that feeling of panic that came over me last time I delivered on a hospital bed.
Krisz - Water Birth in Burjeel Hospital
Labor in the water was relaxing, we dimmed the lights, the water was the perfect temperature, we had privacy so my husband and I could enjoy this special time together, we even watched an episode of Two Broke Girls that I could enjoy between contractions.
Krisz - Water Birth in Burjeel Hospital, Abu Dhabi
The birth was quick and easy and just being able to see and feel the progress I was making gave me such a boost of Adrenaline.
I can’t put it into words how amazing it felt to do it all by myself, to pull my baby girl out of the water and hold her in my arms for the first time.
To prepare for this birth, I made a birth plan, I practiced relaxation and pain management techniques, learned about the most optimal birthing positions, had some prenatal massage sessions and surrounded myself with supportive friends, family and medical team.
By addressing my fears and choosing a birth that was perfect for me I ensured a positive and empowering experience for Zoe's arrival into the world.
Krisz - Water Birth in Burjeel Hospital, Abu Dhabi.
A bit about my water birth experience in Burjeel Hospital, Abu Dhabi.
My Doctor
My doctor made sure my birth plan was followed to a tee. She arrived after I gave birth and she told me how proud she was of me. She asked my permission every time she had to touch me and explained what she was going to do, why she was doing it and if it might hurt.
The birth was just amazing, labor was fast but painful, I labored for about 3 hours and it took me about 5 pushes to get the baby out. The water didn’t make the pain any less, but it made me feel in control and motivated to push through the pain. The tub was big and comfortable, but slippery, so I put a towel down to make it more comfortable for my knees.
I was able to grab my baby out of the water and put her on my chest, which was magical, I was beyond happy to have been able to do that.
I got a first degree tear that didn’t really need any stitches for, but the doctor said it would help heal quicker.
I barely had any pain after, only cramps from the uterus contracting, today is day 6 postpartum and I feel great.
The midwives didn’t do much, just came in to check on me and awkwardly watched me then left. But I did say in my birth plan that I wanted privacy and to push instinctively.
They didn’t give me any guidance on how to use the water to my advantage, I don’t think they were very knowledgeable on the subject. I don’t think many people choose water birth here, because they were so surprised by me doing it. They kept asking me how it was and if it’s better than giving birth on a bed.
The delivery room didn’t have any windows, so it felt a bit dingy, but they turned off the lights when I got into the tub and it felt like I was in a spa, very relaxing, they also had speakers that we could connect to to have some music.
My room was great, it had a separate room within to have visitors in, it was clean and they came every day and offered to change the sheets and clean the room.
The food they provided at the delivery room was awful, but once I got my room the quality of the food improved significantly. And they have menus to choose from just like at Danat.
The nurses were kind and very quick to respond, they came in the morning and explained all the procedures they had planned for us that day and when the doctors will come. They were all alway in good mood, smiling and making jokes, I really appreciated that.
Recovery care
The only thing in the care I wasn’t happy with is that the doctors and nurses told me to give my baby formula because she lost too much weight, but the lactation consultant was adamant that I do not give my baby formula.. As a second time mum I was able to make my own informed decision on this, but I can imagine first time mums being really confused and lost..
Lactation consultant
The lactation consultant was very pushy and made me feel very uncomfortable. I remember the lactation consultant in Danat was wonderful and extremely helpful, nothing like this lady..
Krisz - Water Birth in Burjeel Hospital, Abu Dhabi.
Overall experience
Overall it was really great, I loved my spa delivery, it was everything I wanted and I feel extremely lucky to have had everything go as I planned.”
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