Lina & her boys

Who are you?

Lina, 39 years old, full time mum and sleep consultant. I have two boys, aged 10 and 6.

How would you describe your fourth trimester?

Dark — I was physically in a lot of pain from what I can only describe as as a “weird” vaginal delivery during which I had very little say (in addition to like 12 hours of labor). Breastfeeding was not going well and was extremely painful. Baby was crying all the time and not sleeping at all… I was in over my head and couldn’t and spent a lot of time crying myself… I was very ill prepared despite the fact that I spent a lot of my pregnancy reading and read watching this…

One thing you wish you knew before becoming a mum?

That life would change drastically after birth and that’s ok, change is good… and to trust my instinct a little more, and others’ opinions a little less. It’s also ok to ask for help in the way I needed it (accepting meals, letting trusted care givers help with the baby…)

For you, postpartum means...

Today, postpartum for me means healing, getting to know your baby, bonding with your baby and figuring out a rhythm that works for both mom and baby.

What would you like to tell a woman about to becoming a mum for the first time?

You know more than you think you do, trust that and stop comparing your circumstances to those of others (whether that’s your mom, best friends or stranger on a Facebook group). Do what works for you. You are the best mom for your baby!


Click here if you would you like to share your fourth trimester with us! ✨


My Baby was born at 32 weeks.


Anne & Noémie.